Round rugs are pieces that can cause some confusion. They look great in environments with a more modern and relaxed feel. You can choose to leave all your furniture on top of it, but this is only possible if the room is large. In small areas, you can use more than one, which is super cool. Using them decentralized is an excellent solution for contemporary environments. They look good in living rooms, TV rooms and offices.
And speaking of material, almost everyone loves those furry rugs, don’t they? Whether made of nylon, wool, leather scraps, or lycra, they go well in all kinds of environments, from the modern ones to the most rustic and cool ones. Tall pile rugs are incredible in places where people go barefoot, such as in the home theater and bedroom. However, if you are the allergic type, daily cleaning can wear out your rug faster. So, it might not be a good option for you.
It is worth remembering that close environments should not have the same rugs. Otherwise, the whole thing will look like a carpet. The ideal is to look for a common denominator between the models: the color, the texture, a print, or the finishing frame. You can also work with pieces of the same tone but with different weaves and heights.
In rooms with wooden and ceramic floors, an excellent solution is to place a rectangular rug for the anti-fatigue kitchen mats facing the opposite direction of the bed to be leftover on the sides and front.
It is worth not leaving the rug exposed to the sun for general maintenance tips, as the colors can fade. Remember that almost 100% of stains come off if they are removed on the spot. First, you wipe the spot with a dry cloth or paper towel. Then, with a sponge (clean!), apply the neutral detergent foam. Use a damp cloth to remove excess product and pass another clean, dry cloth. Dust shortens the life of the carpet, so vacuum the weave daily. Always wash your carpet in the laundry.