Food poisoning is induced by consumption of contaminated food and is also called foodborne illness. Its symptoms include cramping in the abdomen, nausea, vomiting, dehydration, fatigue, weakness etc. Food poisoning is caused by various bacteria, parasite and virus such as Salmonella, Toxoplasma and Norovirus. These are triggers to food poisoning and sometimes even lead to Gastroenteritis. The immediate treatment should be consultation with a doctor and proper medical treatment along with medical supervision. However, a lot of people consider home remedies to be a lot more useful and beneficial instead of going to a doctor. They try a different combination of fruits, seeds and extracts to avail relief from their ongoing ailment.
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Following are some home remedial measures to treat food poisoning-
1) Apple cider vinegar –
The apple cider vinegar is rich in anti-bacterial properties and proves to be effective against the foodborne illness-causing bacteria. It is a rich source of enzymes and minerals that provides your body strength and stamina from the weakness of food poisoning. You have to mix 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar with a glass of warm water and drink it twice a day.
2) Honey and ginger –
Ginger possesses a compound called gingerol which is effective in fighting foodborne pathogens. Ginger also helps in improving digestion, and the result gets better when mixed up with honey as it consists of anti-microbial properties that speed up the recovery. The combination of both is useful in soothing and relieving nausea and vomiting. Boil ginger in a pan and let it simmer for 5 minutes, then add honey and consume it. Drink this thrice a day.
3) Garlic & Cumin-
Garlic is multifunctional as they possess antibacterial, antiviral and antifungal properties that help destroy the foodborne bacteria and virus. It relieves stomach pain. You can intake garlic cloves and chew it once a day. Other than garlic, one can also have Cumin seeds as they are instant relief providers too. You can consume cumin seeds by boiling one tablespoon of it, mix it with coriander juice. Add a little salt to it. Drink this twice, and your pain will go out of the window on the first day.
4) Lemon juice & Grapefruit extracts –
Lemon juice consists of rich anti-oxidant properties that improve the healing of the body and aids digestion and helps in recovering faster from the symptoms. You must add a few drops of lemon juice and drink it, or you can also get yourself a grapefruit seed extract and drink it with water. Grapefruit seed extract is too rich in anti-microbial properties and also proves influential in recovering faster.
5) Basil-
Basil is an herb that is known to have anti-microbial properties that kill the bacteria, calms the stomach ache and cramping. It also reduces the symptoms of food poisoning. It is often taken with different combinations of other materials such as basil and honey or basil with cardamom. You can extract the juice from basil leaf and drink it by adding honey, or you can chew raw basil leaf with cardamom. Follow this once or twice in a day, and you will get relieved from the pain and fatigue.
6) Vitamin C food & Essential oils –
Vitamin C is anti-oxidant and is instrumental in negating the bacteria and toxins from the body which helps in lessening the food poisoning symptoms. Vitamin C rich foods such as citrus should be a regular eatable in your food item. There are a few essential oils that helps lessen the symptoms of food poisoning such as Oregano and Thyme oil. Oregano consists of carvacrol and thymol which are excellent anti-microbial properties whereas Thyme consists of thymol, carvacrol and linalool that are also rich in anti-microbial and anti-parasite properties. Adding this in the amount of a few drops twice a day increases your recovery rate.
7) Bananas –
Bananas are rich in fibre and potassium. The potassium helps in re-energizing your body, and the fibre helps to tighten the loose and runny stomach. At times of food poisoning, you should have a banana daily twice or thrice. For those who don’t like eating the banana, you can have it in the form of mash as it becomes easy to swallow.
8) Yoghurt & Fenugreek seeds –
Yoghurt is rich in anti-bacterial properties that help soothes the stomach cramps and fastens the relief process. Add yoghurt with few fenugreek seeds, and it will result in instant pain relief from the pain, weakness and vomiting.
Therefore, follow the above home remedies for relief from food poisoning.