This Side Up was founded in 2005 by a youngster named Colby Robinson. Initially the business was operated from his garage and rented trucks and borrowed blankets were used for providing the services to the clients. Gradually, due to good word-of-mouth reviews, it started gaining popularity.Today it provides services to Huntsville and Nashville areas and is being operated through an office at Madison, Alabama. They have their own trucks now and a great team constantly working towards providing better services to their customers.
This Side Up provides a wide range of services like Commercial Moving, Residential Moving and Speciality Moving. Apart from these core services, they also provide packing, delivery and post-move services. Their objectives are to work efficiently, being attentive to the needs of their customers, integrity, being empathetic towards everyone and being open to suggestions so that they may grow and provide better services to their customers.
They provide equal importance to both official and residential moving and have a team of experts that will help the customers to move in a swift manner and with minimum hassles. They also move special items like antiques, gun safes, pianos and other valuable items. Apart from moving the entire house, they are also equally adept in moving an item or two items.
Everyone knows the condition of the house post clean-up. So This Side Up also provide post move-up cleaning to its customers. Besides these moving related services, they also provide storage facilities, both short-term and long-term. They provide organising services i.e. if someone wants to shuffle his furniture just to change the way his house looks, they can contact This Side Up for the same.